Avoiding Interest Rate Risk
Time to Adjust Portfolios?
Is Liquidity Overvalued?
Private Real Estate
No-load insurance contracts as a savings alternative
Avoiding Future Tax Increases
Most taxpayers have an instinct to delay paying taxes to the last possible minute. We want to hold on to our money and let it “work” for us. However, there…
Read MoreExplaining Medicare
Once we reach age 65, most of us are eligible for subsidized health insurance through a government program called Medicare. Part A, which covers hospital care, is free. Part B,…
Read MoreWhat is the China Trade War All About?
Stocks have not reacted too well to the recent snag in trade talks with China. Reportedly, China and the United States had been close to an agreement. However, that tentative…
Read MoreInvesting Ain’t Easy
Every year educated “professional” money managers attempt to beat the benchmark of the S&P 500 index. Active stock managers, as a whole, have failed to beat the S&P 500 each…
Read MoreMinimizing Volatility
Thus far for the month of May, the performance of the stock market has been a disappointment and has made the old adage “sell in May and go away” look…
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